Monday, April 8, 2013

Touting tulips!

I didn't always love tulips the way I do now.  That's because I didn't really know them. I thought they were too expensive for a short bloom period, because here in the mid-south, tulips are considered annuals.  We just can't get them to overwinter and bloom the following year. So, buy the bulbs in fall, stick them in your frig for six weeks, plant around December 1 and have one bloom per bulb in Spring and then yank them out of the ground. I just didn't see the point.  BUT. . . . then I decided to try a few bulbs 4 years ago to fill in a bare spot I had.  And WOW! Now, in the fall, I get as many bulbs as I can make room for in my frig. And  today this is what I'm seeing outside my back door:

              I love to watch the stages 
         of the tulip flower.



 What I didn't know about tulips is that they are light sensitive.  When the sun is not shining they close up, and when the sun shines on them you get to see this kaleidoscope image in the center.

I really don't know how I ever lived without them!

I hope you have some tulips in YOUR garden!


  1. Beautiful tulips! I love the silky look and feel of the petals.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. Hi Beth...Your tulips look beautiful! You have so many wonderful colors! I planted a few bulbs about five years ago and they still come up and flower. Then in February this year I planted more (because so many blogs showed them which made me want more) and they have begun blooming! I think you will like blogging. I started mine in December last year and it's been very exciting. I read your profile and we both share a love of gardening! I really enjoy showing others my garden and wildlife. I look forward to following your blog!

    1. Thanks for the comments. Hope your tulips do just as well as mine. I've really been enjoying watching your new gardens take shape!
