Wednesday, May 29, 2013

little lilies

 Oh, I how I love these little lilies!

 And what a great name - Tiny Bell Lily.  Although she's not really so tiny. Each flower is 5 or 6 inches across.

 I put these bulbs in last fall and I've really been impressed with their show this spring.  The petals start off really pink and the color deepens as they age.

It is the beginning of lily season in my yard as I join others for Outdoor Wednesday!


  1. I love all flowers so enjoyed seeing your pretty lilies.

    1. Thanks for visiting! I love flowers, too. That's the reason I garden.

  2. Hi Beth....the color of these Lilies is just beautiful!! I've never seen anything like it!

    1. Hey, Christy! When I saw the picture on the tag, I couldn't resist. But, mostly, I bought them because they were on clearance at Lowe's last summer.

  3. I am rethinking lilies after looking at these! Mine get very gangly and are only pretty for about a week. I love these!

  4. Wow! They are so very beautiful!
    I must go to Lowe's and look for them.
    Recently at Lowe's I found a very pretty hanging basket of pink petunias for 50% off.
    I like petunias even though to keep them blooming the old flowers have to be pinched off.
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. I keep checking to see if you have updated your blog. Come back soon!

    1. I was away for a couple of weeks with my husband in the hospital, and then I got hacked and can't figure out how to fix it! I can't get into admin at all. I'm really sad about it. Any helpful thoughts would be appreciated! It won't even let me send a reply in my name. URGH! Beth

  6. Hey Beth, we are missing you!
    Hope you are just busy and not ill.
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. I was away for a couple of weeks with my husband in the hospital, and then I got hacked and can't figure out how to fix it! I can't get into admin at all. I'm really sad about it. Any helpful thoughts would be appreciated! It won't even let me send a reply in my name. URGH!
