Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Welcome Fairies!

Miniature gardening seems to be all the rage now.  I like to garden on a little bit grander scale, but felt I really needed to make a spot just for the garden fairies.  One never knows who might visit the garden!

Check out others in the world at Our World Tuesdays and Outdoor Wednesday!


  1. So cute!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Thanks for visiting. I bet you have fairies in your garden, too!

  2. Oh Beth...this is just too cute!! Where in the world did you get that teapot? It is just perfect for a fairy garden. I think I need a fairy garden too, but I don't think I'll find a house as cute as yours.....I just LOVE it!!!!

    1. Christy, I got it at Hobby Lobby earlier this spring. I already had the sedum growing in the old concrete birdbath that was cracked, so I thought this would be perfect. Since I took that picture a couple of weeks ago, the sedum has grown so much that it covers the door!

  3. Wonderful fairy garden ~ Great shot and I love the fairies ~ you never know ^_^

  4. I love my yard and working in it. However, never had anything like this. So cute.
