Monday, April 15, 2013

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day April 2013

I am delighted for the first time to join Carol at May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.  Spring has really begun to unfold  here in my garden in West Tennessee (zone 7).   Here are some of the flowers in my yard.

Eastern Redbud

creeping phlox

blue creeping phlox with muscari (grape hyacinths)

carolina jessamine

aquilegia (columbine)

flowering almond

variegated Soloman's Seal

native red honeysuckle - just beginning
still have tulips

more tulips!

azaleas just beginning

homestead verbena just beginning

first iris opened this weekend

woodland phlox

woodland phlox

bridal wreath spirea

Also beginning to bloom are the dogwoods and dianthus.  And I'm really excited to see the start of flower buds on some of my viburnum and hydrangea.  Hope all of you are enjoying your Spring gardens!


  1. Hi Beth....You have so many wonderful blooms already!! I see in one of the pictures that you have wild violets in your garden just like I do. I am trying so hard to get rid of these things as right now I have literally thousands of them coming up. I'm going to try a concoction of baby shampoo and gin (out of a book) and see what happens. My first iris looks just like your first iris! It's so exciting to start seeing all these blooms!!

  2. I try not to get too mad about the violets - I have dug some and moved them and just try to use them like an edging in a couple of places. But thousands? um, maybe your concoction will work - I've also read to use vinegar with a couple of drops of detergent (to get it to adhere to leaves). Love seeing everybody's spring pictures!

  3. Beautiful flowers!
    I especially like the Flowering Almond! I bought one last year that was just a sprig. It has one bloom now. Oh, I'm hoping it will be as beautiful as years in a few years.
    Happy Gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie
